Insurance Discounts: Property

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Everyone loves a good discount. In the insurance industry there is certainly no shortage of discount opportunities. It is for this reason that we have decided to create a four-part series on potential insurance discounts that you can be cashing in on to keep more money in your pockets.

Home insurance is an important coverage for homeowners in Ontario, as it helps protect your home and personal belongings from damages and losses. Fortunately, there are several discounts available that can help lower your home insurance premiums. Here are some common discounts to consider:

For more information on more insurance discounts please be sure to check out the other posts in this series:

Auto Discounts: Vehicle & Policy-Based

Auto Discounts: Personal-Based

Commercial Discounts

If you are interested in finding the best pricing and discounts for your property insurance, please give us a call 1-877-941-2266 or contact Absolute Insurance Brokers and we would be happy to help you find the right policy.

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